
Economy Studies : A Guide to Rethinking Economics Education

2021 - Amsterdam university press
ID: 5241886
ISBN: 9789048552801
  • Information


    468 p.


    • The Economy Studies project emerged from the worldwide movement to modernise economics education, spurred on by the global financial crisis of 2008, the climate crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic. It envisions a wide variety of economics graduates and specialists, equipped with a broad toolkit, enabling them to collectively understand and help tackle the issues the world faces today.is a practical guide for (re-)designing economics courses and programs. Based on a clear conceptual framework and ten flexible building blocks, this handbook offers refreshing ideas and practical suggestions to stimulate student engagement and critical thinking across a wide range of courses.eaturesing Existing Courses: Plug-and-play suggestions to improve existing economics courses with attention to institutions, history, values and practical skills.ing materials: A guide through the rapidly growing range of innovative textbooks and other teaching materials.le Courses and Curricula: How to design pluralist, real-world economics
    • education within the practical limits of time and resources.ompanion website, www.economystudies.com, contains a wealth of additional resources, such as tailor-made booklets for more specific audiences, additional teaching materials and links to plug-and-play syllabi and courses, and opportunities for workshops and exchange with other economics educators. [Publisher's text].
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